Wills and Estates


The only thing truly certain in life is death and paying taxes. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to have a will in place. The benefit of having a will is that you have the final say as to how your assets should be divided. It also provides you with a way to appoint a guardian for your minor children in the event that something happens to you.

It is of the utmost importance that your will be drafted by competent and experienced professionals. At Saltzman Attorneys & Notaries we have a wealth of experience when it comes to drafting simple and complex wills as to ensure that all aspects of our clients’ needs are covered thereby minimising any further strain which may be placed on your loved ones, thus ensuring that everything is in place, should you pass away.


A deceased estate comes into existence the minute a loved one passes away and the administration thereof is most often a lengthy and complex process. At Saltzman Attorneys & Notaries we take the lead in winding up the financial affairs of a loved one, as to remove such burden from our clients and thereby providing them with space and time to grieve their loss, without the emotional stress of attempting to administer the estate themselves and dealing with creditors and the Master of the High court.

As it is emotionally a difficult time for our clients, Saltzman Attorneys & Notaries pride themselves to fulfil all duties and obligations as administrators from inception to finalisation of the estate with the highest level of integrity, professionalism and efficiency as to avoid unnecessary delays.

Our services are not limited to the above as we can also attend to, and advise on, making provision in your will for the establishment of a trust which can be used to safeguard the interests of your minor child, in the event that something may happen to you.